Friday, August 7, 2009


Featured in Gadis magazine vol. 22, yeay! :)

It's a Makeover Issue, and I was chosen to be one of 6 girls to be featured in that issue. I was so happy when Gadis called me, last month.

(just click to see it)

I personized Natasha Khan hahaha. They didn't allow me to smile, so sorry for that nasty no-smiling face huahahahaha :P


Bunga Kariodimedjo said...

Jenny !! Keren bangeet ..

putri soe said...

wow jenn
kren deh. hehe :)
and it suits you well!

Jennifer Anandary said...

bunga: thanks bunga :) tapi itu amatiran kok, pasti pengarah gaya nya pusing ngarahin gue huahaha

putri: makasih put :D haha pertama kali dalam hidup pake gold legging!

Jessica said...

i saw you looh :)
terlihat sangat bedaaa.bagus bagus.nice!